Saturday, June 6, 2020

The United States’ Judicial System - 825 Words

The United States' Judicial System (Essay Sample) Content: The United Statesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ Judicial System Studentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Name Institutional Affiliation Introduction The U.S judicial system is reputable for constituting the most cosmopolitan judicial systems worldwide. Ideally, individuals such as sheriffs, lawyers, and judges ensure that the operation and management of the courts follow the required protocols. Additionally, government officials and suspected criminals create a crucial aspect that enhances hope for settling disputes as well as proclaiming justice. Despite the large size of the country, the United Statesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ federal organization works remarkably well since it portrays a greater degree of success. This is because it is equipped with an ordered and carefully designed hierarchy. For this reason, the mechanism bolsters the process of addressing the needs of the nation. Evidently, this paper explains succinctly the structure and operation of the above-mentioned countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s judicial system. U.S judicial structure Principally, the constitution lays down the provisions for the establishment of the Supreme Court that fosters authority to the federal courts. In essence, the constitutional congress managed to establish at least two levels within the federal court ruling that are of lower significance than the Supreme Courts such as the district courts and the courts of appeal (Johnson, 2013). As such, the Federal, State, and Local Courts compose the structure of the judicial system. Federal Courts Notably, most articles in the constitution of the United States advocated for the establishment of the Supreme Court. In addition, the Congress courts are regarded as fundamental components in the country. The federal judicial system expanded over 200 years ago to incorporate specialized constituents such as claims, tax, custom, and patent courts (Johnson, 2013). The partitioning increased the efficacy of the Judiciary. For this scenario, the culminated incidences of unattended cases jamming up the U.S courts decreased considerably. However, the general system is made up of the following bodies. The first one is the Supreme Court that configures as the ultimate court that is concerned entirely with the reversal of initial decisions in the nation. The second consists of 12 Circuit of the Appeal Courts. The third consists of the 94 District Courts that hear cases of the federal law (Haire, Lindquist, Songer, 2003). State Courts The U.S state judicial systems possess specific elements that call for the existence of the ultimate appellate courts (Haire, Lindquist, Songer, 2003). In addition, it also possesses numerous local and jurisdiction trial courts. The structure of the State Courts is composed of the appellate system that acts as the intermediate body. It also handles the appeals to deal effectively with the relief of trial burden on the functions of the Supreme Court. For instance, the judicial system found in Washington consists of the Supreme, the Appellate, and that of original jurisdiction sentencing. Courts of Special Jurisdiction The United States judicial system have specific jurisdiction that is centered towards solving cases involving individual, business, and farm bankruptcy. For this reason, the bankruptcy offense does not attract the filing of evidence from the state courts. The local courts in the U.S engulf the municipal courtrooms. In essence, the mandate of this structure is to oversee issues of divorce, legislative proceedings, and the custody of accused criminals (Petrila, 2003). Operation of the court system in the United States The system comprises of institution-based corrections that begin with the inception of a case, trial, and the enforcement of punishments. Essentially, a case commences with the law enforcers that are mandated by the country to carry out investigations on crimes scenes as well as the gathering of incriminating evidence. Subsequently, the prosecution continues through the actions of the reformed court system. The operation of the law system relies on the adversarial mechanics of justice that finds great application in common law. Within the system, litigants deliver cases ahead of the neutral party (Johnson, 2013). The people involved in the lawsuit presents arguments that are crucial for review by the judge or jury. In this country, the judiciary works on the evidence and testimonies collected entirely through the intervention of lawyers. The adversarial system consists of a two-sided structure in which the court operates. In addition, it dents the prosecution panel in disregard to the defense. Justice prevails when the nationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s adversary is in a position to convince the professionals in the courtyard. Without a doubt, the sett...

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