Sunday, December 29, 2019

Free Cash Flow and Total Value - 1218 Words

1 – Methodological Approach In this case, American CC – the intended acquirer of AirThread Connections- will use leveraged buyout (LBO) model, which means the company will finance the acquisition through bank loan or some other borrowing methods. Hence, the debt-to-equity ratio will change in time. Since we will need to estimate the discount rate any time the capital structure changes, neither WACC nor APV would be reliable alone. Therefore, Ms. Zhang should use the combination of WACC and APV methods. As stated above, ACC will use the Leverage buy out (LBO) approach, which means that the debt to equity ratio of AirThread will not be the same from 2008 to 2012, so APV approach would be more suitable to valuate the cash flows between†¦show more content†¦When we add the results to present value of free cash flow between 2008 to 2012, we will reach to the value of AirThread before considering synergies. To calculate the present value of tax shields we should determine the discount rate. Since we are of the opinion that the future tax shields are positively correlated with AirThread’s operating conditions, we assume discount rate for tax shield should be the unlevered asset return which is 7.8%. The calculation of the PV of tax shield is as follows : 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Interest expense (as usual) 80 80 80 80 80 Interest expense on acquisition loan 199 183 166 148 128 Total Interest expense 279 263 246 228 208 Tax shield 111.77 105.23 98.32 91.02 83.31 PV of tax shield 103.68 90.55 78.48 67.40 57.23 Sum of PV tax shield 397.35 For calculation of the present value of Equity in Affiliates, we use the market multiple approach given as 19.1x. Therefore, AirThread’s stake in affiliates is worth around 19.1 x $90 = 1,719 million. Consequently, if we calculate the total value of AirThread before synergies; Operating Assets $Million Baseline business value 2008-2012 873.99 Terminal value 5,198.46 PV of tax shield 397.348 Non-operating Assets PV of equity in affiliate earnings 1719 TotalShow MoreRelatedWorking Capital Simulation : Managing Growth Assignment1454 Words   |  6 Pageswithin the company. Atlantic Wellness is a company that deals with the health food industry. By acquiring Atlantic Wellness, Sunflower Nutraceuticals can create changes such as sale increase, changes in the area of EBIT, net income, free cash flow as well as total value. Sale Increase The expansion of the business can be done by acquiring new customers. With this expansion it is expected for the company to generate higher revenues. 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