Sunday, December 29, 2019

Free Cash Flow and Total Value - 1218 Words

1 – Methodological Approach In this case, American CC – the intended acquirer of AirThread Connections- will use leveraged buyout (LBO) model, which means the company will finance the acquisition through bank loan or some other borrowing methods. Hence, the debt-to-equity ratio will change in time. Since we will need to estimate the discount rate any time the capital structure changes, neither WACC nor APV would be reliable alone. Therefore, Ms. Zhang should use the combination of WACC and APV methods. As stated above, ACC will use the Leverage buy out (LBO) approach, which means that the debt to equity ratio of AirThread will not be the same from 2008 to 2012, so APV approach would be more suitable to valuate the cash flows between†¦show more content†¦When we add the results to present value of free cash flow between 2008 to 2012, we will reach to the value of AirThread before considering synergies. To calculate the present value of tax shields we should determine the discount rate. Since we are of the opinion that the future tax shields are positively correlated with AirThread’s operating conditions, we assume discount rate for tax shield should be the unlevered asset return which is 7.8%. The calculation of the PV of tax shield is as follows : 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Interest expense (as usual) 80 80 80 80 80 Interest expense on acquisition loan 199 183 166 148 128 Total Interest expense 279 263 246 228 208 Tax shield 111.77 105.23 98.32 91.02 83.31 PV of tax shield 103.68 90.55 78.48 67.40 57.23 Sum of PV tax shield 397.35 For calculation of the present value of Equity in Affiliates, we use the market multiple approach given as 19.1x. Therefore, AirThread’s stake in affiliates is worth around 19.1 x $90 = 1,719 million. Consequently, if we calculate the total value of AirThread before synergies; Operating Assets $Million Baseline business value 2008-2012 873.99 Terminal value 5,198.46 PV of tax shield 397.348 Non-operating Assets PV of equity in affiliate earnings 1719 TotalShow MoreRelatedWorking Capital Simulation : Managing Growth Assignment1454 Words   |  6 Pageswithin the company. Atlantic Wellness is a company that deals with the health food industry. By acquiring Atlantic Wellness, Sunflower Nutraceuticals can create changes such as sale increase, changes in the area of EBIT, net income, free cash flow as well as total value. Sale Increase The expansion of the business can be done by acquiring new customers. With this expansion it is expected for the company to generate higher revenues. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

How Is The Birth Control Being Funded - 2175 Words

Case 1 A 30-year-old woman who has never been pregnant comes for her annual examination. She currently desires birth control, but plans to become pregnant 1 to 2 years from now. She has no history of significant medical illness. Her body mass index is 23 kg/m2, and she takes no medications. 1: What additional information would be useful prior to discussing a contraceptive plan with your client? - What is your usual blood pressure and how often do you check it or have it checked? - When did your last menstrual cycle start? - Do you smoke? - Do you have religious or cultural beliefs regarding contraception? - Do you have reservations regarding any particular type of contraception? - Do you have a preference for any type of contraception? - How is the birth control being funded? - Have you been tested and do you require protection from STDs? - Do you have depression, lupus, irregular periods, gastrointestinal disorders, or history of surgery? - Have you had a pap smear in the past year? - Do you have any allergies? - What are your concerns regarding birth control? - Have you ever had an abortion or been told that you have anatomical structural abnormalities of the vagina, cervix, or uterus? - Have you ever had a blood clot in your lungs or legs? - What is your occupation? Are you sedentary at work? - Have you ever tried a birth control method in the past? Did that method work for you? - Do you get frequent migraines or headaches? -Do you have any family history of breast orShow MoreRelatedGendered Politics Project : Women And Healthcare1278 Words   |  6 PagesParenthood, and whether or not birth control should be included in insurance and/or provided by healthcare agencies or employers. Planned Parenthood has been getting attacked because of people who do not believe abortion is a morally conscious decision. Planned Parenthood helps women who are unable to afford the care they need while pregnant, teaches safe sex, and provides adequate health care to mean and women in general. Being able to obtain and use birth control is essential for women’s healthRead MoreThe Debate Over Birth Control1251 Words   |  6 Pages1900’s, and is showing no signs of being solved anytime soon. Currently, the argument surrounding birth control is whether or not the government should be providing it at little to no cost for those who cannot afford it. It is hard to argue that spreading education and information a bout contraceptives isn’t important, however people can argue about placing government funds behind it until they’re blue in the face. We owe much of what we know about birth control to Margaret Sanger. Margaret SangerRead MoreEvaluation Of Philosophical And Sociological Underpinnings Within Australian Maternity Services1174 Words   |  5 Pagesdominant themes were incorporated. This paper reports on the findings of â€Å"Preparing for birth†, â€Å"Birth expectation barriers and emasculation of midwifery† and finally the â€Å"Trajectory of Australian Health Policies†. KEYWORDS: Maternity Services; Review; Midwives; Homebirth; Medicare; Insurance; Funding; Continuity of care Preparing for birth Australia may be one of the safest countries in the world to give birth in, but it is far from reaching the needs of consumers (Dahlen, et al., 2011, p. 21).Read MoreToday In 2017 The Rate Of Unplanned Pregnancies Has Decreased1124 Words   |  5 Pagessignificantly from years ago, but currently there is no progress being made. In Michigan, according to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancies, the number of accidental pregnancies in girls aging from 15-19 is, 19.4 births for every 1,000 girls or 1 in 4 probability. 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In the medical field, scientists have spent years trying to find cures for many diseases and disorders. Stem cell research can give science breakthroughs that may cure many of those diseases that scientists spend years trying to find cures for.Read MoreLets Talk About Sex Education Essay1571 Words   |  7 Pagesallowing them to drive without being taught. This choice of not allowing comprehensive sex education is schools is dangerous and can have life long consequences. These consequences will not only affect the individual but can ultimately affect America. It is vital for Americans to begin giving their youth the education that is needed. Pre-teenagers and teenagers are having sexual intercourse or participating in other sexual acts. According to the Center of Disease Control in 2009 46% of students have

Friday, December 13, 2019

Immigration Problem in Istanbul Free Essays

The immigration problem has always been one of the most important debated issues in Turkey, especially after1950s. It makes big cities more crowded and it also brings many problems together. These problems include economic, social, and environmental issues. We will write a custom essay sample on Immigration Problem in Istanbul or any similar topic only for you Order Now Particularly Istanbul is in a great danger with the huge rate of immigration it takes. The city has not enough area for sheltering its continuous growing population as it has not also enough resources to feed them. It is very unhealthy to enlarge as rapidly as Istanbul with immigration because it brings economic, environmental, and social problems. Istanbul is the most urbanized and crowded city of Turkey. For almost 20 years, it takes internal migration with its economic and social opportunities; therefore, the city, which becomes one of the urbanized cities around the world, grows in an uncontrolled manner day by day. The population of Istanbul, which was not even 1 million in 1950, is now over 14 million. After a rapid industrialization, a high level of immigration is normal and unavoidable for cities and it has some advantages as providing labor force but the migration to Istanbul get over the limits. According to Istanbul Governorship’s data, over 62% of people who live in Istanbul were born outside of the city. Since it is common that Turkish families are crowded, most of immigrant families have more than two children generally. This year, the prime minister of Turkey, Tayyip Erdogan advised the community to make at least three children in order to protect the nation’s young population, at the time of his speech about International Women’s day. The elite class of Turkey may not affected by these events but the rural side of Turkey, and the lower class of the cities, mostly immigrants are influenced by the people whom they see as their idol. According to the high fertility factor, the native Istanbul population has become a minority in their homeland (Erman 541). It causes many identity problems beside its social and economic aspect. The mass migration to Istanbul caused economic problems such as inadequate shelter and unemployment. In â€Å"The Human Declaration on Human Settlements†, it is underlined that deterioration of conditions of shelter and human settlements particularly in developing countries has reached crisis proportion (591). As we know that Turkey is a developing country with its industrializing economy, the problems as I mentioned above are common in Turkey, especially in urbanized cities. Istanbul, the most industrialized city of Turkey, owns problems related to the excessive population concentration such as homelessness, increasing poverty, unemployment, inadequate resources, lack of basic infrastructure and services (592). Migrants who come to Istanbul for its job opportunities generally belong to the low educated agrarian society. They come to this big city with the dream of being a part of rich and modern urban. However, migrants compose the lower class of Istanbul with their lower education and economic situation. With their inadequate qualifications, they can work in low wage jobs. The squatter settlements issue begins with this problem. People who can’t earn enough money to buy or rent apartments they live in squatter settlements. Moreover, the other side of Istanbul, the welfare class which manage the industry becomes richer continuously. Because of this dual economy in Istanbul as all other urbanized cities in third world countries, the difference, and consequently the tension between rich and poor increase continuously. The labor class, which works hard, however cannot sustain their family become more aggressive day by day. The bloody 1 May (Labor Day) incidents can be explained with the rebel of this class. Crime rate. The mass migration to Istanbul and the rapid social changes occurred in the city caused the problematic issue â€Å"integration† of rural migrants into the urban society (Erman 541). They move into Istanbul, they become physically â€Å"urbanite† but since they cannot accommodate themselves in city life, continuing their rural traditions, they cannot become urbanite socially. They resist changing or they are forced to be an alien. As they live in communes, generally in squatter settlement areas, with the group psychology, they live their own culture as a synthesis of the rural and the urban. As they cannot become an urbanite, they don’t detach their relations with their rural villages and community. The concept of â€Å"hemsericilik† in Turkish language, it means clientalism, became one of the most important characteristics to evaluate a person. Largely, migrants compose the lower class of Istanbul with their lower education level and economical conditions. Their economic situation and their education have a strong correlation. Since their language and qualifications are lower, they cannot find high-wage jobs to increase their economic level. Poverty strengthens the alienation of them. They see the luxurious houses, cars, and lifestyles on the streets or on TV and as they can’t reach this lifestyle by working, they start to search the short way to own this shining life. The growth rate of crime in Istanbul is the result of this desire. How to cite Immigration Problem in Istanbul, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Statement And Security Valuation Financial -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Statement And Security Valuation Financial? Answer: Introduction: This report has been prepared to evaluate the financial performance, cash flow position, financial position, profitability, stock price etc of the company. Mainly this report would offer a detail about the cash flow situation of the company and it would also provide details about the betterment of cash flow position of the company. And it would also brief the organization about the investment opportunity of the company. For preparing this recommendation report about investment opportunity and cash flow analysis of the company, financial statement of the company has been analyzed firstly. Then, the study has been done on dividends of the company, operating system of the company etc to evaluate the current market position and internal position of the company. In addition, the study has been done on stock price of the company to evaluate the changes into the market worth of the company and lastly, through evaluating the cash flow analysis of the company, recommendation has been given. Company description: Dominos Pizza Enterprises Ltd is one of the biggest pizza chains in the Australian market in terms of largest franchise, network sales, network store numbers etc. the company is working under food retail industry. It has been founded in 1983 at Springwood, Queensland, Australia. The revenue of the company is Australian dollar 790.866 million in 2016-17. Currently, the company is operating its business in various countries such as France, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, principality of Monaco[1]. Currently, 1900 stores are owned by the company and 26000 people are employed by the company. According to a report, in May, 2005, Dominos Pizza Enterprises Ltd was the first pizza company who has listed in the Australian stock exchange[2]. Purpose of Financial statement analysis: Financial statements are prepared by the companies to offer the information about operations reult, cash flow osition and financial position of the company. The information of the financial statement is used to make decision about the position and the reallocation of the resources of the company. Financial statement analysis is the procedure to evaluate and analyze the financial statement of an organization[3]. The main purpose of financial statement analysis is to evaluate the current and past financial data of the company so that the financial position, cash flow position and profitability level of the company could be evaluated easily and the potential risk of the company could be estimated[4]. Further, the financial statement analysis could yield the valuable information about relationship and trends, strength and weakness of financial position, companys earnings, quality of the company etc. Mainly this process starts with establishing and managing the objectives of financial analysis. Such as, is this analysis is conducted to evaluate the cash position and investment opportunity of the company? After establishing the objectives, data of the financial statement is accumulated from the annual reports or any other source. Further, the results of the financial analysis is summarized, analyzed and interrupted. And thus, the conclusions could be made by the financial analyst[5]. In this report, the process of financial statement analysis is undertaken to evaluate about the relationship and trends, supplies and demands, strength and weakness of financial position, companys earnings, dividends of the company, stock price of the company etc so that a recommendation report could be prepared about the investment opportunity and cash flow position of the company. Firms current operating system: The income statement, cash flow statement and the balance sheet are the main statement of the company which explains about the financial performance and the position of the company. The income statement of the company explains that the current net profit of the company is $ 12,61,47,000 whereas the net profit of the company was $ 91,29,000 in 2006-07. It explains that the total net profit of the company has been enhanced by 1281.83% which explains that the company has achieved a great growth in last 11 years. The total revenue of the company has also been enhanced by 368.15%. It explains that the profitability level of the company is bit higher[6]. Further, the balance sheet of the company has been evaluated. Balance sheet is a Performa which explains about all the assets and liabilities of the company whether they are current or noncurrent. The balance sheet of Dominos Pizza Enterprises Ltd has been evaluated and it has been found that the current assets of the company has been enhanced by 316.27 from 2006-07 to 2016-17. It explains that the company has achieved great increment. Further. It has been found that the total assets of the company has been enhanced by 760.89% from 2006-07 to 2016-17. On the other hand, it has been found that the total liabilities and total stockholders equity of the company has been enhanced by 1013.97% and 518.08% from 2006-07 to 2016-17. The above evaluation explains about the great performance and the position of the company[7]. Further, it explains that the business and the operations of the company have been enhanced and due to it, the company has enhanced the level of the resources. In addition, the cash flow statement of the company has been evaluated. Cash flow statement is a Performa which explains about all the cash inflows and cash outflows of the company whether they are operating cash flow, investing cash flow or financing cash flow. The cash flow statement of Dominos Pizza Enterprises Ltd has been evaluated and it has been found that the cash flow from operating activities of the company has been enhanced by 1804.66% from 2006-07 to 2016-17[8]. It explains that cash level of the company has been increased a lot. Further, it has been found that the total cash flow from investing activities of the company has been enhanced by 283.62% from 2006-07 to 2016-17. On the other hand, it has been found that the total cash flow from financing activities and total cash flow of the company has been enhanced by 1113.77% and 541.75% from 2006-07 to 2016-17. The above evaluation explains about the great performance and the position of the company. Further, it explains t hat the business and the operations of the company have been enhanced and due to it, the company has enhanced the level of the cash to manage the activities and position of the company. Lastly, the demand and supply of the company has been evaluated to identify the performance of the company. It has been evaluated that the demand of the company has been enhanced and the company has tried to meet all the demand of the customers. The report explains that the pizza demand has been increased on greater basis and Dominos has grabbed this opportunity and thus the profit of the company has been enhanced[9]. Further, it has been found that the price elasticity demand of the company is elastic as the sales of the company have been enhanced by 45% but the price has been decreased only by 18%[10]. Dividend valuation: Dividend valuation is an important step to evaluate the performance and the position of the company. For evaluating the dividend of the company, discounted dividend valuation model has been used. This model takes the concern of dividend, growth, required rate of return etc and assists the company to make a better decision about the performance of the company. The dividend valuation model of the company briefs that the financial position and the market position of the company is quite strong[11]. It is performing well in the market and the current situation of the company explains that the value of the stock of the company should be $ 71.49%. Following is the calculations of DDM of the company: Currency Franked % Dividend Ex Date Books Close Date Pay Date Growth rate AUD 50.00 21/08/2017 22/08/2017 06/09/2017 15.72% AUD 50.00 21/02/2017 22/02/2017 09/03/2017 AUD 70.00 22/08/2016 23/08/2016 07/09/2016 42.65% AUD 70.00 25/02/2016 29/02/2016 15/03/2016 AUD 100.00 21/08/2015 25/08/2015 11/09/2015 43.16% AUD 100.00 19/02/2015 23/02/2015 10/03/2015 AUD 100.00 22/08/2014 26/08/2014 12/09/2014 23.38% AUD 100.00 18/02/2014 24/02/2014 11/03/2014 AUD 100.00 21/08/2013 27/08/2013 13/09/2013 -0.65% AUD 0.00 03/06/2013 07/06/2013 21/06/2013 AUD 100.00 19/02/2013 25/02/2013 12/03/2013 9.93% AUD 0.00 03/12/2012 07/12/2012 21/12/2012 AUD 100.00 22/08/2012 28/08/2012 14/09/2012 22.61% AUD 100.00 21/02/2012 27/02/2012 12/03/2012 AUD 100.00 24/08/2011 30/08/2011 15/09/2011 -2.54% AUD 100.00 22/02/2011 28/02/2011 14/03/2011 AUD 100.00 24/08/2010 30/08/2010 15/09/2010 47.50% AUD 100.00 23/02/2010 01/03/2010 15/03/2010 AUD 100.00 01/09/2009 07/09/2009 21/09/2009 17.65% AUD 100.00 24/02/2009 02/03/2009 20/03/2009 AUD 100.00 02/09/2008 08/09/2008 26/09/2008 0.00% AUD 100.00 26/02/2008 03/03/2008 28/03/2008 AUD 100.00 04/09/2007 10/09/2007 28/09/2007 0.00% AUD 100.00 27/02/2007 05/03/2007 23/03/2007 AUD 100.00 05/09/2006 11/09/2006 29/09/2006 871.43% Calculation of cost of equity (CAPM) RF 4.00% RM 6.00% Beta 0.928 Required rate of return 5.86%[12] It explains that the current stock price of the company should be $ 79.16 which explains that the performance of the company is good. Changes into share prices: Further, the changes into the stock price of the company has been evaluated on the basis of stock price of AORD and it has been found that the position of the company is quite different and stable than the stock price of AORD. Further, it has been found that the position of the company and market capital of the company has not been fluctuated more in last 4 years. The correlation of the stock of both the companies is also lower and explains that the stock price of DMP is not driven by the AORD. According to the above analysis on dividend, stock price and changes into the cash flow of the company, it has been found that the cash flow position of the company has been way better. The performance and the ratio analysis on cash flow statement explains that the cash flow from operating activities of the company has been enhanced by 1804.66% from 2006-07 to 2016-17. It explains that cash level of the company has been increased a lot[14]. Further, it has been found that the total cash flow from investing activities of the company has been enhanced by 283.62% from 2006-07 to 2016-17. On the other hand, it has been found that the total cash flow from financing activities and total cash flow of the company has been enhanced by 1113.77% and 541.75% from 2006-07 to 2016-17. The above evaluation explains about the great performance and the position of the company. Further, it explains that the business and the operations of the company have been enhanced and due to it, the company has en hanced the level of the cash to manage the activities and position of the company[15]. Investment and financial strategy for cash flow position: Thus the above evaluation explains that the current position of the company is way good in the industry. The financial performance, position, stock price, share valuation, dividend valuation etc explains that the stock price of the company has been better. Further, it explains that the company should invest its amount into diversification strategies so that the more market and opportunities could be grabbed by the market and the financial performance of the company could be better[16]. More, it explains that the company should evaluate the investment in the market and must invest into these companies on the basis of its WACC. The current WACC of the company is 4.85% which explains that the IRR of the project should be more than 4.85%. Recommendation: Lastly, the recommendation has been given to the shareholders of the company to maximize the performance and the wealth. Through the analysis on the company, it is recommended to the stockholder of the company that they would make an investment into the current situation of the company. Currently, the stock of the company is undervalued and if the investment is done right now than it would offer long term as well as short term profits to the investors of the company. References: AFMA, 2018. AFMA Policy. viewed Feb 05, 2018, AFR, 2018, DOMINO'S PIZZA GROUP PLC. viewed Feb 05, 2018, APRA, 2018. Australian Prudential Regulation Authority. management Feb 05, 2018, ASIC, 2018. Australian securities and investment commission. viewed Feb 05, 2018, ATO, 2018. Australian taxation office. viewed Feb 05, 2018, G., Brown, R., Easton, S., Howard, P., and S. Pinder. 2012. Business Finance, 12 th edition. Mc-GrawHill, Australia. Home, 2018, DOMINO'S PIZZA GROUP PLC. viewed Feb 05, 2018, Home, 2018. Australian Stock Exchange. viewed Feb 05, 2018, Index, 2018. NYSE. viewed Feb 05, 2018, London stock exchange, 2018. DOMINO'S PIZZA GROUP PLC. viewed Feb 05, 2018, Penman, S.H., 2010. Financial Statement and Security Valuation. Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill. Peirson, Pike, R. And B. Neale, 2009, Corporate Finance and Investment: Decisions and Strategies, 6th edition, Financial Times Prentice Hall, Limited. Viney, C., 2009. McGraths Financial Institutions, Instruments and Markets, 6th edition, McGrawHill, Australia.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Act 1 Scene 1 Essays - English-language Films, Neo-noir, Blade

Act 1 Scene 1 It's 2013, in a city called Trelador. A downtown club is bustling with activity. Police are all over the place and media are asking questions. Two witnesses to the incident describe what happened that night. The witnesses are two young teens about 17. They tell it like they saw it. Police Officer: All right guys, take it from the top. What happen? Teen 1: A guy with the biggest sword came in here and started slashing people all up. He must of had a something against the place. Teen 2: Yeah, he all came up in here and started stabin people and throwin them all over. He put some guy through a speaker and killed the music. That's when I got mad. That guy, he just all punched me into a table. Then? (The police officer shakes his head as he just trails on and on.) Police Officer: What did he look like? Teen 1: Black coat, long hair, and black boots. Police Officer: Okay, that's all I need for now. Can I get your names just in case we need more info? (Police officer opens his book.) Teen 1: Sure. I'm Matthias and this is my boy Cid. (Cid is still telling the whole story.) Police Officer: Thanks. We'll be in touch. Matthias: Man, Cid can you believe that. (Cid stops his story.) Cid: Believe what? Matthias: What just happened tonight you retard. Cid: Oh yeah. Yeah that was wild.(Cid looks over and sees to girls standing there.) Hey, lets go talk to those chickies. I think one wants you bad man. Matthias: Sounds good. They exit. Scene 2 At an apartment complex in Trelador, Matthias and Cid sit on bean bag chairs and watch television. Cid is eating a bag of chips and Matthias sips on a Pepsi. Matthias: I didn't know we had this channel.(He points to the screen that shows a girl walking around in the buff.) Did you order Playboy again, Cid? Cid: No, I didn't order it again. It must have been Blade. Matthias: Yeah right Cid. You liar. Why do you always try and put stuff on Blade. Plus, me and Blade know that we can't afford any new channels. You don't seem to understand- (He is interrupted by a loud pound on the door.) Voice: Open up now! This is the police! Cid: Oh crap. Open the door Matthias. Matthias opens the door slowly until it's kicked open by Blade. Blade is 21. He is the oldest of the three. He takes care of everyone. Matthias: Jesus, Blade. You ?bout gave me a heart attack.(He gets his breath back.) Guess what Blade. Blade: What did you guys do this time? Cid: Nothin Blade. He's just jokin with ya. Aren't you Matthias? Blade: Well, who cares if you did? We have to get out of here like now. Cid: Why? Blade: Remember that little incident at the club last night?(Both say yeah.) Well that guy was walking on his way here. So get some stuff to take and lets go. Matthias: Oh man. Forget that stuff, I'm outta here. Cid: Yeah me too. Let's just go, Blade. The door is opened and there stands the man from last night. He stands six feet tall and holds a sword just as long as him. He wears a black trench coat and has neon blue eyes. Blade: You guys go out the window and I'll handle him. Go now! The two run to the back bedroom and start down the fire escape. Man: You are a brave man, Blade. Either that just stupid. Blade: Who are you and how do you know my name? Vargas: I am Commander Vargas, of the Death Corps. I have orders to find and kill you. Blade: So that's why you were at the club last night. You knew I hung out there. But why kill me? Vargas: My boss feels that you are a threat to us. Blade: Why does he think I'm a threat to you guys? Vargas: Because your father said that you would be the one to get rid of us. He said that you were the new Aura soldier just like him. Blade: Aura soldier? What the heck is that? Vargas: I guess you'll never find out that because?your dead. Vargas charges at Blade with his sword. Blade dives out of the way and trips Vargas. Vargas: Your gonna regret doin that punk. Blade picks up a CD and throws it at

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Essay on Tropical Rainforest Essays

Essay on Tropical Rainforest Essays Essay on Tropical Rainforest Essay Essay on Tropical Rainforest Essay I have been analyzing the tropical rain forest for a few hebdomads and have experienced many different things. Tropical rain forest are largely found around the Tropics of Cancer ( 23.5 N ) and Capricorn ( 23.5 S ) . They have no winters and have up to twelve hours of sunshine. These countries are considered to be showery or dry countries, with consistent temperatures. The dirt is really acidic and hapless in foods. There are rather a few species found in this country. Many of the animate beings in the rain forest have grown adapted to their environment. They have learned how to camouflage in with their milieus, so it makes them easier to conceal from marauders. This is their manner of security. The Eunectes murinus is known as the biggest serpent in the universe and is besides known as the H2O serpent. It lives in warm, tropical, boggy countries that have adequate H2O for them to last. This is why you can happen them in rain forest. These animate beings are really carnivorous. They adapt really good because of their certain colourss it allows them to conceal and assail their quarry. The toxicant pointer toad is a little brilliantly covered toxicant toad that lives in the rain forest. This animate being is adapted to this country because of the the toxins their teguments give off. They are besides helpful in South America to tribes, because they can set the toxicant on their pointers when hunting. Red-eye tree toads are found in the lowland of tropical rain forest. These toads are nocturnal and remainder on the bottoms of foliages during the twenty-four hours. Their diet largely consist of insects. The Green Iguana live in rain forest typically near rivers. These animate bei ngs are a threatened species due to loss of home ground. These animate beings eat the flora found in the rain forest and insects besides. Sing the workss merely acquire 2 % of the sunshine they still supply most of the Earth s O. The rain forest is divided into four strata ( zones ) based on the life environment ( 2 ) . The trees that are much higher than the remainder and house many birds and insects are called Emergents. Canopy is the upper parts of the trees that inhabit insects, birds, reptilians, and mammals. A dark environment which is underneath the Canopy is the Understory, which is fundamentally above the land. The Forest Floor is where the largest animate beings by and large live. The workss in this country grow so quickly they use the foods in the dirt from decomposed foliages. Elephantine ferns are portion of the forest floor. They are reasonably large compared to the 1s we have here in size. These animate beings are adapted to this biome because they like fly-by-night countries and they like small sunshine. The fungus found in these countries are tolerant to the dark shadiness provided by the canopy tree s. They adapt really good. The tropical rain forest receive about 60 to one-hundred 60 inches of rain throughout the twelvemonth. The combination of H2O and warm moist air is what makes the country suited for certain types of workss to populate. The dirt is alimentary rich and acidic ( 1 ) . One thing that we find alone about the tropical rain forest is how people have adapted to their milieus. The rain forest has been home to many folks such as the Yanomamo in South Africa and to the Pamagirri in Australia. Them populating in the rain forest is what causes one of the biggest menaces to it, which ended up doing it endangered. The ground for this is because of the aggressive logging, and clear-cutting to do an country for plantations. Over eighty-thousand estates of rain forest are destroyed each twelvemonth and fifty-thousand species become nonextant ( 4 ) . Sincerely, Alexis Grimes and Jason Dawkins Bibliography: hypertext transfer protocol: // # tropical hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: //

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Radio-Frequency Identification Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Radio-Frequency Identification - Essay Example Radio waves found to be useful in many other fields and identification and tracking of objects is one among them. The technology used for the identification or tracking of objects with the help of radio waves is called Radio frequency identification or RFID. More precisely, radio frequency identification (RFID) describes a â€Å"system that transmits the identity of an object or person wirelessly, using radio waves† (What is RFID?, n. d). This paper briefly analyses history and various features of RFID. History and Evolution of RFID During the middle half of twentieth century, barcode technology has evolved to identify objects using some printed lines. During the same period itself, researches to develop RFID tags were started and â€Å"the first active form of RFID was developed by British scientist, Watson-Watt and his team during this period (Roberti, 2011). Commercial use of barcodes started in the 1960’s. In the 1970’s universal grocery product identificati on codes and universal product codes were introduced. In the early part of 1990’s IBM developed an ultra-high frequency (UHF) RFID system. This technology contributed heavily to the development of electronic product coding (EPD) technology. The present Universal Product Code and bar code technologies were evolved from EPD. Between 1999 and 2003, EPD technology developed a lot and the current form of bar codes to identify products evolved out of it (Roberti, 2011). RFID tags and barcodes appear to be similar in its functioning. Both are used for identifying objects. At the same time there are certain differences in the functioning of barcodes and RFID tags. While bar codes need printed lines for identification, RFID tags needs nothing like that. RFID tags can be used to identify even distant objects whereas barcodes have limitations in doing so. Moreover RFID tags work much faster than barcodes. In short, bar codes and RFID tags have different uses and both are used for differ ent purposes. Components of RFID Tags/transponders, Readers/Antennas/transceivers, Middleware etc are the major components of RFID. Tags are the major part or heart of any RFID system. It stores information about the object being tracked in its memory. RFID readers read this information from the tag memory to identify the objects. Data transfer between tag and memory is taking place with the help of radio waves of suitable frequency. Readers and antennas are used for the transmission and reception of radio waves between tags and Middleware software. â€Å"Middleware software is responsible for data retrieving from readers, data filtering, monitoring of tags, storing tracking histories etc† (Overview of RFID Components, 2006, p.1-2). Tags or transponders consist of an integrated electronic circuit in which a capacitor is enclosed to send and receive signals from the object. The electronic circuit of the tag could be read only and in some cases it could be used to read or write information. Antennas are usually powered by batteries or usual power supply. These antennas will be connected to a laptop using wireless technologies so that the computer can send and receive instructions to it (Basic RFID Components, 2003). RFID tags are usually enclosed in a plastic container in order to avoid any damages to different climatic conditions. It is capable of reading signals from any objects irrespective of whether the objects are dirty or covered with paints or grease. The memory capacity of RFID tag can be even up to one

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Quiz 1 Spring 2014 for Escape from Camp 14 Essay - 1

Quiz 1 Spring 2014 for Escape from Camp 14 - Essay Example nce he constantly saw her as a threat to his survival in prison, especially during her childhood years in the prison, for example, since she beat him, and she was also a competitor for food to him (Harden, 3). The fact that the horrendous experiences in the prison that had taught him something different from what humanity is, he could not relate to what it means to be human, to have family, and to relate with others at a human level. His dark secret has now caused him agony, even after 7 years of freedom in USA, despite his attempts to reinvent himself through changing his name (Harden, 1). The memories of seeing his mother hanged and those of seeing his brother shot dead, especially coupled with the fact that Shin is the one who betrayed them is an experience that has completely incapacitated him, so much so that, after experiencing humane living condition and after relating with other people at a human level, he is unable to forgive himself for the betrayal. Shins behavior, like everyone elses in Camp 14, is completely different from that of people living in a free world, or at least those who were not born in a prison camp in North Korea, and his behavior is based on a radically different moral code. It is completely incomprehensible and even inconceivable in the mind of a person who has lived his whole life in a free world, for example, the fact that a son can actually feel glad and relieved by the death of his mother and his brother (Harden, 3). It is even more inconceivable why a person would like to betray his own family; his only family as far as he knows it, especially because Shin was born in a prison camp and therefore did not know any more family or relatives, other than the ones he had in prison. This is because love to him was a meaningless word, having viewed her mother as a threat from childhood, while viewing his brother as a stranger and his father as just any other visitor who cohabited with her mother five times a year (Harden, 3). Such are the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Financial market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Financial market - Essay Example In many economic set-ups or regional corporations that have a central bank, the main task of the bank is to ensure that each member’s rate has a considerable level of stability in the pricing of basic commodities by reducing interest rates. Other tasks include the ability of the central bank to act as a central reserve for the currency of the jurisdiction or country and to produce the legal tender used by the same country. Central banks perform several functions. They provide settlement services to large-value payments, act as lenders for the last resort, play a role to oversee banks for the sake of financial stability and monetary policy implementation. These jobs and their operations mode have repeatedly been redefined in order to decide on one specific financial and monetary crisis. In fact, all main stages in central bank functions shaping have been responses to financial and monetary crises. The Composition interpretation and the analysis of these crises are necessary to understand the functions that central banks need to implement and incarnate for a monetary economy to flourish. The origin of central banks as bankers’ banks was in 19th century England. Two conflicting theoretical conceptions of money, the banking principle and the currency principle, implied totally different roles of central banks. The central banks function is to put into effect convertibility of its bills into gold and to be flexible. Such flexibility is more consistent with the principle of banking, whereby money is a debt that financial intermediaries issue as the counterpart to their credit operations. Thus, it is the way of payments of debts issued by competing banks, payment between banks call for a superior bank to settle interbank transactions. This is mainly the role of the money given out by the central bank, money that is designed as legal tender for all debts. Nevertheless, the law cannot impose the trust of the economic agents in central bank money. It is

Friday, November 15, 2019

Analysis of HMs Vietnam Expansion

Analysis of HMs Vietnam Expansion HM is a Swedish multinational clothing retail store that caters to young adults and children. Since its inception, the brand has evolved to include accessories, footwear, cosmetics and home furnishings. HM is one of the top retail stores in the world and has positioned itself as a low cost- quality clothing supplier. HM and its competitors occupy a niche segment of the retail clothing industry known as fast-fashion, characterized by the ability to serve consumers who demand the most up-to-date styles at an affordable price. Retailers must meet several specific customer expectations to remain competitive in this segment, as well as maintain a highly efficient internal operation to meet the requirements of the industry. HMs expansion into Vietnam is part of the companys larger overall global expansion strategy to open stores with a target of 10-15% sales growth coupled with an introduction of online retail to emerging and unexploited retail markets (HM Group, 2016). Vietnam has seen recent increased growth in foreign direct investment and expanding retail market. Consumers in Vietnam have a demand for large Western brands and have increased disposable income to spend in the market(Deloitte, 2014). In Vietnam, barriers to entry remain low for HM and other industry competitors. HM and other foreign retailers have the capability of opening their initial retail spaces in Vietnam without extreme difficulty (Deloitte, 2014).ÂÂ   In 2016, Zara, HMs largest competitor opened a retail store in Ho Chi Minh City signaling an increase in foreign retail investment in the country (Zara Enters Vietnam, 2016). It appears that the landscape in Vietnam is changing in the favor of foreign retail firms and governm ent policies are being shaped to attract more foreign investors. Industry Requirements and Expectations HM and its competitors occupy a niche segment of the retail clothing industry known as fast-fashion, characterized by the ability to serve consumers who demand the most up-to-date styles at an affordable price. Retailers must meet several specific customer expectations to remain competitive in this segment, as well as maintain a highly efficient internal operation to meet the requirements of the industry. Expectations within the fast-fashion industry have become increasingly more customer-focused and demanding with the success of retailers such as HM, Zara, and Forever 21. Because the industrys core market is highly sensitive to changes in trends and seasonality, retailers need a keen awareness of the fashion landscape to proactively update their inventory at locations worldwide. Successful players in the industry must also have an in-depth understanding of the local markets of their varying locations to serve their customers specific tastes. Fast-fashions most dedicated consumers also depend on the affordability that retailers offer to allow them to keep their wardrobes stocked with the latest styles. Highly efficient supply chain management is the cornerstone of the fast-fashion industry, and is the key requirement for any retailers success. Demands for rapid turnover and affordable prices hinge on the retailers ability to keep internal costs to a minimum to avoid passing on costs to the consumers. The industry requires retailers to keep an extremely low product life cycle (PLC), which is typically achieved through the combination of a just-in-time inventory system and a strategic distribution and fulfillment network within the countries of operation. Location is also a critical requirement when operating in fast-fashion, both for retail stores and proximity to distribution centers. In order to capitalize on the benefit of operating within this industry retailers must secure locations for their retail stores that are both highly visible and densely populated, while distribution and fulfillment centers require central location to serve the maximum number of retail locations as quickly as possible. Low Trade Barriers In 1986, Vietnam created an open-door policy with reforms in three essential areas: i) the right to foreign trade, ii) trade instruments and policies iii) liberalization of foreign trade. Since then, the Vietnamese economy has been growing at a rapid pace. Since Vietnams inception in WTO in 2001, Vietnam removed many non-tariff barriers including quantitative restrictions on imports, quotas, bans, permit requirements and licensing requirements. (U.S. Department of State, 2014). However, there are still some existing industry specific trade barriers in Vietnam. For example, price stabilization and restriction is implemented by the Vietnamese government when prices are too high or low for essential goods. Other examples of trade barriers include import taxes on automated products and services, permits on foreign investment in cinema construction only through local joint ventures and land use rights. Vietnamese land, a property of the state, cannot be owned by investors nor any Vietnamese nationals (U.S. Department of State, 2014). To HMs advantage, the retail industry in Vietnam has very few trade barriers and restrictions for foreign investment. Thus, being one of the fastest growing countries in the ASEAN economy along with liberal retail policies, Vietnam is an obvious country of interest for EU business expansion. The countrys openness to foreign investment has been the cause of many trade reforms and lower trade barriers. For example, Vietnam provides investment incentives to foreign investors such as exemption from import taxes on necessary materials required for manufacturing that cannot be found in Vietnam. Policies supporting FDI in Vietnam Since November 1, 2015, Vietnam has allowed foreign retailers to set up 100 percent foreign-owned enterprises under its commitments to the World Trade Organization. This gives them access to supply sources and ideal business locations to operate from. Most international brands are opening stores in Vietnam through franchising or the granting of rights to a local partner, as franchisees are required to have a zero-loss business record and must be able to present their business development plan to the franchisor during the bidding process, which increases the likelihood of success for foreign investors in Vietnam. (VN Express Retail market share,2016). These policies make expanding to Vietnam attractive for HM. Franchising their retail stores in Vietnam is safer for HM now because of these policies. FDI As Vietnam is becoming increasingly accessible to foreign investments, FDI inflows have seen a steady and strong increase over the previous years. In 2016, FDI inflows climbed to US$24.4 billion with a 9% increase from 2015. Out of these, US$15.1 billion flew to 2,556 newly registered projects, US$5.76 billion came from 1,225 existing projects adding to their capital, and US$3.4 billion flew in from foreign investors purchasing stakes in 2,547 companies. Vietnams rapid pace of integration into global commerce is likely to yield great opportunities for foreign investors. So, this is the right time for HM to invest and expand into Vietnam. (Vietnams FDI Outlook for 2016) In January 2017, foreign investors invested in 16 sectors in Vietnam, out of which Wholesale and retail ranked third with total registered capital of US$ 88.75 million, accounting for 5.6% of the total foreign direct investment. Relative high investment in Wholesale and Retail market bodes well for HM. HM is planning to open up its first retail shop in Ho Chi Minh City, where FDI investments are high. (Ministry of planning and Investment of Vietnam, 2017) Vietnams retail industry has witnessed healthy growth rates of 8 10 percent annually in recent years. To continue, the industry is forecasted to reach $109 billion by 2017. With the population of more than 90 million, Vietnams retail market is growing rapidly, making it highly attractive for foreign investors. The country is currently ranked top 5 and 11 in Asia and globally respectively in terms of retail growth. (VN Express Vietnams rapidly growing retail Industry, 2016) Ease of doing business The countrys ease of doing business while still leaving room for improvement is developing, Vietnam ranked 82nd out of 190 countries, up nine positions from 2016. Government of Vietnam is actively privatizing its state-owned enterprises (SOEs) on top of its trade agreements and foreign direct investment policies. Since 2015, nearly 170 companies have been privatized and this trend will continue in the coming years. This creates many opportunities for foreign investors. (Vinkenborg, M. (2017). Vietnam in 2017: Spotting opportunities for FDI) Policies restricting FDI in Vietnam One complication for FDI in Vietnam is Vietnamese authorities have different definitions of a foreign invested enterprise. In practice the level of foreign investment that qualifies an entity as foreign differs from province to province. Unlike other countries in the region, such as China or some of the other ASEAN member states, Vietnam does not maintain a Negative List of industries with foreign equity ownership caps. (Restrictions on Foreign Direct Investment in Vietnam, 2015) With the enactment of the Law on Investment and the Law on Enterprises however, the country is moving in the direction of such a Negative List system. The two laws, in addition to various other laws and regulations are applicable to industries that are termed conditional. When investing in conditional industries, the government examines the investment proposal and may choose to impose additional requirements. Distribution sector such as retail is considered conditional in Vietnam and may prone to additional requirements from government of Vietnam. (Restrictions on Foreign Direct Investment in Vietnam, 2015) Works Cited Deloitte (2014). Retail in Vietnam. Retrieved: Hong, A. (2016). Vietnams rapidly growing retail industry partially offsets economic slowdown. Retrieved: HM Group. Retrieved: Indiaretailing Bureau. Retrieved: Ministry of Planning and Investment. (2017). Retrieved: Shira, D. (2015). Restrictions of Foreign Direct Investment on Vietnam. Retrieved: SwedenÂÂ   and Vietnam Boost BUsiness and Investment Cooperation (2016). Retrieved: U.S. Department of State (2014). Retrieved: Vietnams FDI Outlook for 2016: Trends and Opportunities. Retrieved: Vinkenborg, M. (2017). Vietnam in 2017: Spotting opportunities for FDI. Retrieved: Ministry of planning and Investment of Vietnam, 2017 Retrieved: VN Express Vietnams rapidly growing retail Industry, 2016 Retrieved: VN Express Retail market share,2016 Retrieved: Restrictions on Foreign Direct Investment in Vietnam, 2015 Retrieved:

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Foodborne Illnesses :: essays research papers

Foodborne Illness   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What is Foodborne Illness? According to a medical dictionary, foodborne illness is an acute gastrointestinal infection caused by consuming food contaminated with pathogenic, bacteria, toxins, viruses, prions or parasites. Such contamination was caused by improper food handling, preparation or storage of food. Contacts between food and pests, especially flies, cockroaches and rodents are a further cause of contamination of food. Foodborne illness can also be caused by adding pesticides or medicine to food or consuming or by accidentally consuming naturally poisonous substances. That is why foodborne illness can also be called food poisoning.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Health Canada estimates that about two million Canadian suffers foodborne illness per year and CDC (Center for Disease Control) estimates approximately 76 million foodborne illness cases occur in the United States per year. However, many foodborne illness cases are unreported. Some of the most common bacteria and viruses that cause foodborne illness are Salmonella, Campylobacter, Escherichia coli O157:H7, and Hepatitis. In the following report, you will read some of the major foodborne illness outbreaks in Canada and United States.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  According to Health Canada, the number of Canadians who has foodborne illness is estimated to be approximately two million per year. As mentioned in the introduction, many foodborne illness cases are not reported. In Canada, it is estimated that for every one case of foodborne illness that is reported, there are 350 cases that are not reported. The ones that are reported are usually major problems. Canada had some major outbreak of foodborne illness through these many years.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One major outbreak was on March and April 1998. The major outbreak was Salmonella Enteritidis associated with the contamination of cheese in a commercial product. This happened in Newfoundland. Nearly 700 cases were reported, most of which were children that got the illness. It was found that the source of the outbreak of Salmonella Enteritidis was the cheese in a prepackaged processed lunch packs. The cheese was contaminated when it was being packaged into the lunch packs. It was never found how the cheese got contaminated, but they discover that the cheese was contaminated before it arrived to the place where the products were processed and packaged. They suspect that something must have happen in Parmalat ¡Ã‚ ¦s plant, the company that provides the cheeses for the lunch pack, because it was only the cheese that got contaminated. However, they will not release any information, so the real explanation of how the cheese got contaminated will never be known.