Friday, February 28, 2020

Interpretation and Significance of Lao Tzu's Sayings Essay

Interpretation and Significance of Lao Tzu's Sayings - Essay Example Taoists have developed their principles through the processes of self- realization and self-invention based on a variety of philosophical and environmental contexts. Like other organized religion, Daoism has its own doctrines or scriptures for its followers. In their collaborate effort Yijie Tang, and TÊ »ang I-chieh have rightly put it: â€Å"The early form of Daoism (Taoism) held that its body of belief was made up of the tenet of â€Å"the ascent of the three in one â€Å"that is,† the unity of heaven, earth, and man for the attainment of the Great Peace; the blending of the essence, breath and shen to become a saint.† (Yijie Tang, and TÊ »ang I-chieh, 1991, 76 pp.). Daoism (Taoism) is familiar to the world through the famous books Chuang-Tzu and Tao Te Ching. Daoist sayings are more comprehensive, filled with metaphysical principles and these principles emphasis a formation of ‘oneness’ that follow the complex form of diverse world. The book had wide ly accepted as the great sayings of Lao Tzu. It has considered as the unique ideology in Chinese history. Lao Tzu explores his ideas through the help of rhyme and rhythm, paradox, analogy, and proportion. In his masterpiece Lao-Tzu remarks, every people have his/her own freewill and desires. The Chinese word Tao/ Dao means the way to the universe. When analyzing these sayings, one can understand that it is difficult to define these sayings appropriately. In the first part of this work, the author tries to give the foundation about the ideology Tao Te Ching. When analyzing the plight of modern man one can easily find that the sayings of Lao-Tzu have enough relevance. The temporariness of material things and pleasures have well expressed in the sayings of Lao Tzu. The followers of Lao-Tzu purport that the ultimate aim of life is to gain the ‘Great Peace’. One cannot attribute it a clear form or structure that it may appear in any name or material existence.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Kinotrope Technology in The Difference Engine Essay

Kinotrope Technology in The Difference Engine - Essay Example Charles Babbage, now known as Lord Babbage, invention leads to Britain being ruled by intellectuals. The Lord Byron, once Charles’s assistant, goes on to become Britain’s prime minister (Gibson & Bruce 67). Furthermore, the invention of the Difference Engine causes class warfare between the old guard and the new guard. The new guard wins this war, led by Lord Byron who assumes power after this upheaval. The novel is not one continuous narrative about Babbage rather it is the amalgamation of three stories. The novel first introduces the reader to Sybil Gerard, the daughter of a Luddite. Luddites, in this book, are the working class that oppose technology and are suppressed by the rulers (Gibson & Bruce 83). Sybil is not successful in her search for gainful employment and resorts to prostitution to make ends meet. Later she becomes the apprentice of a clacker under Sam Houston in the state of Texas. The second character is Edward â€Å"Leviathan† Mallory who has several titles under his belt. He is an explorer and a palaeontologist. His story revolves around the fact that he is being chased for his knowledge of a device known as the Modus (Gibson & Bruce106). The last character in the book is Laurence Oliphant who elaborates the misgivings of this Information age. The book requires one to brush up on the history on Europe and America. The brushing up helps in reducing confusion during the book as it relays an alternate history with real life characters (Rapatzikou 47). Moreover, the writers display depth in information on the technological capabilities that would be realistic in that period. Majority of novels adopt a utopian perspective in describing technologies in their novels. The culture of this generation still possesses barbaric practices such as slavery and sexism remain in force despite the technological advancement of the era. Other areas such as medicine are left in medieval status (McHale, Brian & Randall